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John Lee

Data Scientist

Data Scientist(he/him)

Research Data Services


Prior to joining the team, John worked at the Genomic Research Center in AbbVie as an Associate Scientist, where he provided statistical and programming support to scientists working with genomic data. He has conducted quality control and statistical analysis with data from Biobanks, clinical trials, and public data. He made direct impact to projects by creating Shiny Apps for exploring analysis results and interfacing with complex genomic data, and creating models, pipelines, and visualizations for early identification of errors in data. He also developed an R package called ggmanh for visualizing results from Genome-Wide Association Study.

 John has a BS in Mathematics and Statistics from University Illinois at Urbana-Chamapaign and a MS in Statistics from Texas A&M University. He maintains an independent blog, where he aims to explain various concepts in statistical topics and showcase mini projects.