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Save Time Submitting Final Grades with GradeSync

Save Time Submitting Final Grades with GradeSync

As the quarter comes to a close, Northwestern IT and the Office of the Registrar encourage all instructors to enable GradeSync, an opt-in grading tool available in every Canvas course, for submitting your final grades to CAESAR. Where before instructors had to choose each student’s letter grade one by one in CAESAR, GradeSync allows you to submit all of your grades from each Canvas course site directly to CAESAR with the single push of a button.

If you estimate that each grade takes about 20 seconds to enter using the traditional, manual process, using GradeSync has saved Northwestern faculty literally hundreds of hours of work. And, as you can imagine for an instructor with a large class or with multiple sections in CAESAR, the manual process is both painstaking and error-prone – until now!

Need to make last-minute adjustments? No problem. GradeSync can be used more than once throughout the grading period, allowing you to submit grades in batches or to make adjustments. CAESAR will always reflect the most recent GradeSync submission.

How it Works

First, you’ll need to enable the GradeSync integration in your Canvas course. You will also be required to create a grading scheme for the integration to work properly.

For step-by-step directions on enabling and using GradeSync, download our handy help guide. 

Enabling Gradesync

Once enabled, GradeSync will appear in the course’s left-hand navigation bar. Click on it.

Gradesync interface

GradeSync will include a final Canvas score and grade (based on your grading scale), as well as the roster grade (to be sent to CAESAR). The roster grade will initially match the Canvas grade but you will still be able to modify it at any point during the grading period in GradeSync or CAESAR.

When you’re ready, you simply submit the grades via GradeSync from Canvas to CAESAR.

Gradesync submitting grades

A confirmation screen will indicate which grades have been successfully submitted as well as any that require further review.

Gradesync confirmation screen


  • GradeSync will not work in courses with manually enrolled students. Course enrollment must come from CAESAR.
  • In addition, GradeSync cannot be used to change grades that have already been officially posted in CAESAR by the Office of the Registrar.
  • GradeSync is not currently available to the School of Law.